Our Story
It all started somewhere between an inside joke and a dare.
This has all been brewing (pun intended) for over a decade - I’ve been concocting herbal blends and joking with friends about absurd brand names. So when a friend saddled me with the dare to “sell something at a market,” I decided to make our long-running joke a reality and launch my consumables product line.
Being a big coffee drinker (and snob), I was frustrated that I couldn’t keep drinking coffee past noon, but I also couldn’t find a coffee substitute for my mid-afternoon pick-me-up that didn’t completely suck.
I tried them all, each one leaving me sorely disappointed. I finally created a combination that worked, and discovered many other people who also loved coffee, but either couldn't drink it due to health concerns or caffeine sensitivity. The thing is, they still wanted to replicate the coffee flavor, body, ritual, and experience; they just weren’t able to find satisfactory alternatives.
Since Cauxffee® launched in April 2023, we’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response from everyone who has experienced it:
“I don’t know that I’ve ever had a product hit the bull’s-eye so well on what it aims to do. And replacing caffeine is a really tall order. I think you have pure gold here.” - Austin from Big Grass Beef
“OMFG It’s not even coffee?! I couldn’t even tell the difference. This is actually the best-tasting faux coffee I’ve ever had.” - Tawny from Life With Tawny
The best part, is the ingredients are actually incredibly healthy. There’s no caffeine, but the cacao is high in theobromine which is a related compound that produces similar effects, acting as a mild physical and mental stimulant, boosting mood, mental focus, and feelings of well-being (this is called a nootropic).
Dandelion root supports digestive health and detoxification, while ashwagandha root is a scientifically-backed adaptogen which means it boosts your body’s stress response and immune system. The blend also contains other health-building herbs such as chaga mushroom for immunity and schisandra berries for liver health.
What’s also fascinating about these ingredients, is that 97% of them are ideal candidates to be grown right here in our community! As we scale production in 2024, we’re partnering with local, independently-owned small farms to start growing our supply in Tulsa. This will not only build economic resilience and opportunity, but reduce some of the sprawling lawn desert found in urban plots by building soil health and diverse ecosystems with the use of regenerative agriculture and permaculture design principles. This fits right into the mission of Dashatron Enterprises, which is to create sustainability, empowerment, and abundance for all.
Cauxffee® and other Dashatron products are sold at Tulsa Farmers' Market, local retailers, and online at dashatron.com. We welcome all who feel aligned with our mission and want to partner with us!
The best part of Tulsa has been the people and the incredibly supportive community whether it’s the artists, the farmers, the entrepreneurs - you name it. There’s no environment better for small businesses and visionaries to try their hand, and it’s what makes this an ideal headquarters for Dashatron Enterprises. We’re proud to be in Tulsa!

About the Founder
Hi, I'm Darya, and I’ve always had the conviction that we can have our cake and eat it, too.
Having immigrated to the US as a Soviet refugee, a firm belief in the American Dream is at the core of my identity.
A lifelong multidisciplinary artist, Dashatron Enterprises is my devotional art piece as testament of the potential of Corporation being in service to planetary thriving and upliftment; to fulfill the promise of the American Dream and uphold the best of our culture, as well as individual self-expression.
I’m thrilled to be sharing my personally-crafted concoctions and products that I personally enjoy, and benefit from daily.
I’m also passionate about using this platform to support local businesses and building soil health - the #1 thing an individual can do to meaningfully impact the health of our planet, communities, and economies.
Through regenerative design, all things are possible - even capitalism that supports thriving for all.