I deeply understand the creative chaos but also how to think strategically and design systems to achieve business sustainability and growth.
Brand Strategy
Stop feeling dowdy.
Clarify your voice and communicate your truth, with consistency, become memorable, and connect with your people.
Marketing Strategy
Stop wasting your time. Redirect your existing time and energy spent on marketing and sales tactics only to what will deliver measurable results.
Customer Experience Audit
Stop bleeding your money. Uncover hidden places your business is throwing away money and apply easy tweaks to build customer loyalty and lifetime value.
Who We Help
Vision-driven missionaries
Artists, makers, creatives
Small and family-owned businesses
All have one thing in common:
long on passion, creativity, and drive;
short on systems and organization required to leverage their genius.
How to Work With Us
Work with us per-project.
We'll cover the scope of the project and define targeted outcomes. Pricing is based on a positive ROI for you.
On-demand support. Lock in a la carte support with a monthly subscription. We determine monthly hours and you tap us in as needed.
Fractional CMO
CMO at a fraction of the $. Using our retainer setup, you get someone to own and drive your marketing, brand, and customer strategy at a fraction of the cost.
Background & Expertise
30+ years of small business and entrepreneurship, specifically with creatives, startups, and nonprofits (yes, I started working at my parents' bakery at age 6 in customer service!)
Currently operating multiple brands and business lines across various industries.Formal marketing and business education.
Endlessly curious, I've always worn lots of hats - ALL the hats - so, I understand the ins-and-outs of operating a business on both granular levels as well as big-picture, thousand-foot-views.
Rules of Engagement
No Zero-Sum
At Dashatron Enterprises, we have a strict win-win policy. Enriching relationships are the foundation of life, and our relationship is first priority. We offer our services because our favorite thing is creating with people we enjoy who are working on things we believe in. That means we are partners and results-oriented, and we bring value to you at every interaction.
Never Waste Your Time
Know that you're always getting value, because we're committed to never wasting your time. Energy and attention is the essence of life itself, so every hour is laser-focused on the leveraged actions that will move the needle forward and deliver results. We don't tolerate energy sapping and wheel-spinning.
Brutal Honesty
When they were handing out lying capabilities, we got passed over. You can always count on us to give it to you like it is - including what deserves celebration, and what everyone else is too scared to tell you. And have that delivered in an actionable format that empowers you. Tough love at its finest, because without clarity and truth, there is no power.
Ready to play? Get in touch
Darya's Story
When I was 6...
When I was 6, we moved to the US and my parents opened a bakery.
Both artists with big ambitions, they assumed their talents, quality of work, and enduring work ethic was enough to muscle through to success.
What proceeded, however, was a viscerally painful saga of back-breaking work, destroyed health, and increasing financial woes.
Their very dream completely destroyed them.
Their very dream completely destroyed them. I just knew it didn’t have to be this way; it wasn’t fair. Passionate and talented and working people SHOULD be able to realize their dreams.
Myself born with an artistic nature, I felt it my duty to learn how fix this dynamic, and since then my life has been colored by an insatiable curiosity in how to run a creative business, correctly.
I got a marketing degree
I got a marketing degree and went on to work for entrepreneurs and small business owners across a wide variety of industries. Over the course of this exploration of many company cultures and dynamics, growth stages, and strategies, patterns emerged: both of dysfunction and needless financial and emotional bleeding, and of brilliantly elegant systems leading to impressive results from simple methods.
There’s a playbook, and it works.
There’s nothing that inspires or excites me more than people pursuing their true genius and artistry, people with big visions and beautiful creations - people in pursuit of excellence and truth.
And there’s nothing that pains me more than The Big Tragedy - watching those people shoot themselves in the foot and suffering needlessly in attempts to achieve financial security and personal freedom!
I’ve come to realize two things:
My favorite way to spend life is by creating with people I care about, who are doing work I believe in.
I have something unique and valuable to offer to artists and small businesses, because I understand their unique pain points but also the solutions for them.
I deeply understand the creative chaos but also how to think strategically and design systems to achieve business sustainability and growth.
I've always been committed to having my cake and eating it, too, and I demand the same for everyone.
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